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Fine European game calls
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FT3, premium European crow call

The FT3 is the result of nearly ten years of fine tuning and the worldwide standard reference in European crow calling.  It features a wooden barrel in high end grade African Wallnut or Rosewood barrel, a virtually bulletproof mouthpiece in strong space age ABS, a triple stone hard coating and a freezeproof multilayered reed.

In short: a very fine and, at the same time, an ultra tough workhorse that will not let you down, whether in cold arctic Russian conditions or under the blazing sun of the French Pyrenees.

The FT3 its voice is tuned to the European carrion and hooded crow.  Many people think that these birds are very different but in fact these birds are very closely related and make the exact same sound.

Apart from these birds the FT3 is also known to attract jackdaws (often in huge numbers ) and magpies.
The range of this call is up to 500 meters with the wind in your advantage, this range is unique in its kind and is achieved to a special production process we developed here in Belgium.
Check out some our video’s to see for yourselves what sounds a experienced caller can generate with the FT3.

The manual and videofile of the FT3 (copyrighted material) will guide the user through the crow vocabulary and reveal a lot of tips and tricks of how good  crow calling is done.

The FT3 is available in the heavy and very fine structured African Rosewood.  This wood is so heavy that, when freshly cut, it will sink in water.
Because of this, the wood is not always so easy to work with but it also a guarantee for a very aggressive sounding crow call.

For the admirers of the nr. 1 wood for hunters, Walnut, we have selected a fine batch of African Wallnut, origin Ghana,  to give that special and highly sought after look which is so popular in the European hunting scene.

MDX, Universal combi corvid call

The MDX is the successor of the MID-call and the very first call we made out of another material then wood.

It was developed to generate a different corvid-sound then the FT3 to keep the birds interested, especially when calling frequently the same area. It is also very effective in the period period june until august when there is less corvid migration in Western Europe and you only have the local birds to call in which are already familiar with your FT3.

During this period you mostly call to the same birds in your area and the ones that are still there are the smarter and more experienced crows which offer tremendous challenges in calling.

The MDX can be used in two different ways.

  • As a Magpie in  Distress call.  Use short calls, in full panic, it helps when you think that you are being ripped apart!

  • As a classic young crow call. This imitates the sound of a less dominant and younger hooded or carrion crow. The FT3 on the other hand imitates a real dominant crow and has a deeper, more aggressive and louder type of sound.

The Belblatt, a very fine Roe and Fox call

Our Belblatt roe and fox call was developed and finetuned over a period of 5 years of hard hunting and calling, it features an exclusive interchangable and engraved reed for both fox and roe.

It is made out of a single, massive piece of ABS which results in an undestructible workhorse that will simply outlive us all.

The wide gap between the reed and the call ensures that all the known roecalls are very close together on the toneboard and that you can switch immediately from a young high roe-sound to deeper adult roe-sound without the need to change the rubbers of the call or the necessity to turn the call around first like with many other roe-calls.

The same wide gap in combination with the thin and short lasercut fox reed enables the user to create a huge variety of distress sounds for calling predators.

Belblatt is also designed to be used handsfree and this for both all known roe-calls and a large variety of distress sounds for fox calling.

Because of the wide gap on the call and the interchangable reed It is according to us one of the most versatile calls  ever made in Europe, we both called and shot medal trophy bucks and lots of foxes with this super exiting little call!
It can be used for calling in bucks during the rut in which it absolutely shines but it can also be used for calling in does and fawns in the right time of the year.

A user manual and instructive video is available for out customers, roe-calling and hunting is super exiting with Belblatt!

Pop Up Bullet Ammo Box

Designed as an alternative  for the leather bullet pouches,  which often tend to discolor the bullets , and the cheap plastic bullet holders.

The lid is made out of massive , 4 mm thick stainless steel and can be engraved easily so the box becomes a personal item and makes a perfect gift for any hunter.

The box itself is made out of a solid piece of American wallnut and is suitable to hold 5 bullets. All bullet types between .243 win.  and calibre  9.3 mm * 63 will fit these boxes, it is very  universal because of this.  Please note that the 300 win mag bullets do not fit inside these boxes, they are an exception.

The box itself is spring operated and the springs are, just like the lid, made out of high end stainless steel.

Outer dimensions of the box are approx. 90*80*27 mm and the weight is around 150 grams, lid included.

Universal hunting trophy stand

Our own interpretation of trophy display!

Our universal trophy stand is made out of a single piece of heavy steel plate with no welded joints or bolts  which results in a very sober and very solid presentation  of your hard earned hunting trophy.
We make these in two different models, one with a Black Powercoated finish and the other with a Rusty Trusty finish, the latter has been rusted outside for several weeks and afterwards the rust has been stabilized through a special technique which we have developed  ourselves.

It will hold skulls with or without horns from the following animals:  roe and roebuck, fox, raccoon, raccoon-dog, chamois and many others and also many foreign hunting trophies like, for example, spring and steenbuck.

It is the perfect high quality stand for nearly all your hunting trophies!
Belblatt-roebuck antlers (copies)
The so called Belblatt-buck was discovered and shot by Sam Neyt in the summer of 2019 in the French Gers department and this thanks to the Belblatt Roe and Fox call.
The Belblatt-buck was confirmed by the Belgian CIC committee, with 221, 9 points CIC, as being one of the largest roebucks ever shot in France.
It is considered the nr. 3 of all times in France with this score and even more special in this story is that  the nr. 1 in France died of natural causes (not shot).

Upon popular request we provide, in limited series, cast copies in polyurethane of the antlers of this extraordinary animal.
The price is for a copy of both antlers, please note that the color of the antlers may vary compared to the picture.

A videolink for those who are interested in the hunting story behind this huge roebuck:
Some French publications about the Belblatt-buck: Le Chasseur Francais (1) / Le Chasseur Francais (2)

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Fine European game calls - Sam Neyt | Busstraat 7 | 9080 Zaffelare | Belgium
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